Helldivers 2, a sequel to the critically acclaimed strategic shooter, has recently captured the gaming community’s attention for its innovative gameplay and the unique challenges it presents. The game, developed by Arrowhead Game Studios, encourages players to spread democracy across various planets, facing threats and liberating worlds through strategic combat and cooperation. Despite its popularity, the game’s progression system and newly introduced mechanics have sparked discussions among players, leading to calls for adjustments and improvements.

One of the main points of contention within the Helldivers 2 community revolves around the game’s Liberation progression system. Players have expressed frustration with the current state of Liberation progression, finding it particularly challenging to make significant progress, especially when engaging in more difficult missions. The community has voiced a desire for a revamped progression system where higher difficulty missions contribute more significantly towards the Liberation counter, arguing that such a change would provide a greater incentive to tackle challenging missions while still accommodating new players¹.

Furthermore, the game’s progression system has been both praised for its depth and critiqued for its complexity. Helldivers 2 introduces a system that rewards players for completing both optional and mission-essential objectives, rather than just eliminating enemies. This approach encourages strategic gameplay and teamwork but has led to some confusion regarding how rewards are distributed and how players can efficiently progress through the game. The system includes a variety of elements such as XP, levels, medals, requisition slips, and samples, all obtained in different ways and contributing to the player’s overall advancement. This progression system, while rich, may require a more intuitive explanation for players to fully grasp its nuances and maximize their gaming experience².

As the Helldivers 2 community continues to grow and players delve deeper into the game’s mechanics, it’s clear that there’s a strong desire for adjustments that can enhance the gaming experience. Whether it’s refining the Liberation progression system to better reward players for undertaking difficult missions or simplifying the progression mechanics for greater accessibility, Arrowhead Game Studios faces the task of balancing the game’s challenging nature with the community’s feedback. The ongoing discussions among the player base, whether on social media or forums, highlight the game’s potential for evolution and improvement, ensuring that Helldivers 2 remains a dynamic and engaging experience for new and veteran players alike.


  1. Dexerto – Helldivers 2 players demand change to “frustrating” Liberation progression.
  2. Sportsmanor – Helldivers 2 Progression System: Everything You Need to Know about Helldivers 2 Progression System.

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